12/09/2023, NOTES
Emilie Boye Kjær's Herbarium
Anja Vensild Hørnell is a biologist from Copenhagen University. She works as a nature guide and communicates her knowledge about nature and science to institutions and schools. She has contributed content to the popular Danish children's TV channel, Ramasjang, and has also published a book in collaboration with the program, Wild Wonderful Animals.
At our co-hosting site Hjortetakly, biologist and nature walker, Anja Vensild Hørnell, has been documenting all the species around in the area. The intention, first, is to know as much about the space, and the many ecological relations it holds, and second, to form an archive of the place. Anja noted the species on two occasions. First, September 12, 2023, and second June 26th, 2024. There might be overlaps across the dates, but seasons change, and our forms of noticing too. Here is the species list from 12th September 2023. 1. Ahorn/ Maple
2. Ask 3. Mirabelle/ Mirabelle plum 4. Skvalderkål/ Kale Cabbage 5. Hindbær/ Raspberry 6. Brændenælde / Stigning Nettles 7. Gran (ikke hjemmehørende)/ Spruce (non-native or introduced) 8. Tjørn (hvid?) / Hawthorn (White?) 9. Liguster / Privets 10. Tidsel / Thistle 11. Æbletræ / Apple tree 12. Kirsebær (kan genkendes på vandret bark, også om vinteren) / Cherry - recognizable by their horizontal bark 13. Græs (hvilke(n) type?)/ Grasses (which type?) 14. Skovjordbær/ Wild Strawberries 15. Mos/ Moss 16. Gyldenris / Golden Rice 17. Dueurt/ Willow herbs 18. Rose/ Rose 19. Birk/ Birch 20. Mus (halve kirsebærkerner)/ Mouse - half cherry pits 21. Brombær / Blackberry 22. Hjortetak 23. Hyld / Elderberry 24. Elm (can be recognized by uneven start of each leaf) 25. Valnød/ Walnut 26. Snebær/ Snowberry 27. Storkenæb/ Crane’s Bill 28. Løgkarse / Garlic Mustard 29. Blomme / Flowers 30. Humle